Development Dependencies

Linear Admin relies on several open-source projects to function correctly. The following catalog outlines the primary dependencies and their roles within the project.


Linear Admin uses Parcel as its bundler. Parcel is responsible for bundling all the required files and dependencies of the project into a single, optimized file that can be served to the browser.

ParcelJS is different from other bundlers like webpack because it does not require any configuration or setup to get started. It uses a zero-config approach where it automatically detects and bundles the required files for a project based on the file types and dependencies in the project.

Following Parcel scripts are configured in package.json:

"scripts": {
    "start": "parcel src/html/pages/*.html",
    "build": "parcel build src/html/pages/*.html --public-url ./"
  • The start script is used for development and the build script is used for production.
  • The .parcelrc file can be found at the root of the project and it contains the configuration for ParcelJS.


Linear Admin utilizes PostHTML to process HTML files, particularly when serving partial HTML files using posthtml-modules plugin. PostHTML is a powerful tool that allows developers to transform HTML code using JavaScript plugins. PostHTML is configured using the .posthtmlrc which you can find at the project root.

Example usage:

<module href="./src/html/partials/_sidebar.html"></module>


Linear Admin uses Prettier to format the code. To make any changes to Prettier’s configuration, the .prettierrc file can be located at the root of the project.